Printing of Silica Nanospheres
Direct-write print deposition of silica nanospheres. Technical writing sample: REU report and poster after 10 weeks of research at SDSM&T
Take college recruiting to new heights by identifying the most career-ready students in STEM,
Agriculture, Entertainment and Hospitality
Portfolium provides a new way for employers to zoom in on the top "doers" on campus: students with more talent, hands-on experience, and achievements than can fit in a resume. For recruiters, it works by matching available jobs and internships to students and alumni with relevant, demonstrated skills.
Portfolium allows CSU students and alumni to demonstrate their skills and talents to employers in a very visual and compelling way. - Lori Redfearn, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Advancement - California State University
For Students and alumni, Portfolium is a free digital portfolio of their academic and professional accomplishments including projects, presentations and papers. In addition to the CSU, both the University of California and the California Community College system are offering Portfolium to their students and alumni.
Degrees Awarded/Year
The CSU is committed to supporting and strengthening science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education across its 23 campuses and contributing to the national effort to produce more college graduates with STEM degrees. Through a variety of "engaged" and high-impact practices, like service learning, community-based research, and internships, CSU campuses are providing hands-on and relevant approaches to learning about STEM that not only engage and energize students through real-world problem-solving, but also make a difference in communities.
Learn more at http://www.calstate.edu/cce/stem/
Direct-write print deposition of silica nanospheres. Technical writing sample: REU report and poster after 10 weeks of research at SDSM&T
Boost is a hypothetical app that allows users to wirelessly transfer battery power with other users. Similar technology such as wireless electricity is being developed.
Sweet Phoenix is Cal Poly SLO's Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) which competed in the 2015 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) HPV Challenge...
The Airframe of a liquid fueled rocket During my second semester as a sophomore at SDSU, I took on the role as Airframe Subsection Leader of the Rocket Project.
This system enables a specific reaction using direct isothermal amplification without the need of extraction, followed by capture detection at the point of care.
A 3D model from CT scans was generated relating the anatomical domains of bones and soft tissues using Comsol Multiphysics software tool. The computational model...
Daniel Argueta is currently a California State University Fullerton student studying Mechanical Engineering and planning to graduate in the Spring of 2017. He holds many interests in several categories of the mechanical engineering field as well as possible research.
Solidworks 90%
Computational Fluid Dynamics 85%
Finite Element Analysis 75%
EII prepares CSU students to serve the entertainment industry's artistic, business & tech needs through internships, educational & grant opportunities. The EII aims to prepare students to serve the artistic, business, and technical needs of entertainment industries. It seeks to improve our educational methods by working with industry leaders to better serve our students who wish to pursue careers in the entertainment business.
Learn more at http://blogs.calstate.edu/eii/
Working with motion tracking and 3D environment in AFTER EFFECTS - interpreting lighting, texture, and color to create a more realistic composition.
Used Adobe Creative Suite to edit video compilations. Motion graphic design and After Effects + Cinema 4D software utilized in this project.
Video Production Project for CTVA 240 Live TV Broadcast with external footage, green screen, and commercial at Cal State Northridge.
Interned for Entertainment Tonight & The Insider, which enables me to work at the 2012 Academy Awards. Throughout the course of my internship.
Character animation, 3D modeling and texturing. As a 3D Generalist I tackle most projects from beginning to end having had experience in video and VFX as well.
Re-scored this commercial using commercial songwriting techniques as well as making use of the current trends in post apocalyptic video game music styles.
The hospitality industry is vital to California's economy. As the industry grows, there is an increasing demand for an educated workforce. The Hospitality & Tourism Management Education Initiative (HTMEI) works with key hospitality leaders and 14 CSU campuses to prepare students for meaningful careers in one of California's largest industries. In 2014, the CSU granted 96% of all Hospitality and Tourism Management degrees in the state. Our mission: to provide an uninterrupted supply of hospitality leaders in California.
Learn more at http://www.calstate.edu/hospitality/
The Bay Club is an upscale active and hospitality facility that provides various fitness, health and wellness, shopping, and social event amenities for its members...
Event planning intern at the Manchester Hyatt SD in recreation, planning events for the hotel guest during Saturdays and Sundays.
I enrolled in an Adventure Travel & Tourism class that took learn by doing to a whole new level by going to Costa Rica and learning about sustainable adventure travel...
Designed and managed two successful events to raise over $2,300 for the Boy's and Girl's Club of Southern San Luis Obispo County...
Successfully marketed and created/designed flyers for the Fall Masquerade Ball event - a sold out affair for Cal State San Marcos.
Acquired skills in evaluation, hospitality, and vendor management as an intern and employee at the Courtyard Marriott in Northridge, California.
The hospitality industry pumps billions of dollars into the California economy each year. From restaurants and hotels to attractions and travel, hospitality is big business in the golden state. In fact, California is the No. 1 travel destination in the U.S.
As the hospitality industry grows, so does the demand for qualified leaders. The CSU offers a variety of degree programs that give graduates the tools they need to lead one of California's largest industries.
The Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) exemplifies the California State University System (CSU) working for California through university-industry partnerships.
Learn more at https://ari.calstate.edu/
I learned about the dairy industry, the pig industry, and the agriculture industry. This farm had 140 dairy cows, 2 bulls, 300 pigs, and hundreds of acres of...
A project in which I created a side-by-side, user friendly worksheet to compare two or more fields' sodium and chloride levels in well water.
Tracked California condors with radiotelemetry and engaged in public outreach about condors with tourists at Julia Pfeiffer State Park.
Depicting the effect of the inclusion of ractopamine hydrochloride in swine diets at a finishing weight. Various outcomes were analyzed to determine...
Building an emergency water filter out of materials from a hardware store to treat wastewater for use in lettuce farming. Wastewater contained potting soil...
Performed daily husbandry and management tasks for the tortoise colony and related facilities; collected required data; assisted with sample/data...