At my practicum at the DeKalb County Drug Court in Decatur, GA, I was asked to do research on Medication Assisted Treatment, which is essentially the use of FDA approved drugs to help individuals who are addicted to opioids get off opioids. This power point goes into Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and shows the pros and cons of MAT in Drug Court settings. I presented this PowerPoint to DeKalb County Drug Court Stakeholders.
What inspired me to do the project was the opioid epidemic in the United States. More and more individuals are coming into the drug court programs while being addicted to opioids. I wanted to see if there was evidence based treatment that could potentially work for these individuals. I learned that Medication Assisted Treatment in drug court settings is a subject that has been up for debate in recent years. I also learned that There pros and cons of Medication Assisted Treatment in drug court settings.
© 2025 • All content within this project is strictly the property of Jeffrey-Michael Holiday and is not for public use without permission.