Each project in Portfolium has four different settings that students can choose from. These are Public, Portfolium Members, Connections, and Private.
Public means that anyone on or off Portfolium can view this project. This would be useful when looking for a job, connecting with others on similar projects, or just to showcase the projects and skills that one has acquired.
Portfolium Members only means just that, only people who have a Portfolium account can view this project. Maybe there is a project that has sensitive information or contains something that you don't want to share with the general public, then this would be the option that you would choose.
The Connections option allows the user to share their project with just the people they are connected with on Portfolium. Let's say you were working on a project and you wanted see what your friends thought of it, or just wanted to share it with a small group of people before letting the general public view it. Then this would be the option that you would select.
The last setting you can set a Project to is the Private setting. Private means that no one can see this project unless you share the project link with them. Let's say you were working on your final thesis for a class and you wanted to keep it private until you were finished with it. This would be the option you would select. Once you select this option, you are provided link that you can share with people in case you wanted them to view it. So if you wanted to share your thesis with just your professor, you could send him/her that link to the assignment.
© 2025 • All content within this project is strictly the property of AJ Ferrill and is not for public use without permission.