Integrate principles of ethics and cultural diversity into clinical decision making for individuals and populations experiencing complex health issues.
Each of the artifacts described below assisted in the achievement of the course objective on integrating principles of ethics and cultural diversity across many patient populations and settings. Application of ensuring that all aspects of the Belmont Report are upheld during difficult situations and scenarios has helped my professional and academic growth as I have become a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) prepared nurse. The skills and competence gained throughout the DNP curriculum allow for my knowledge to be passed to students, which creates an environment for not just impacting one patient at a time, but rather many patients through my individual students.
Integrating the principles of ethics and cultural diversity into clinical practice is essential for managing patient populations who experience complex health issues. Application of the principles of ethics is critical for an advanced nurse to be culturally competent. Evaluation of an advanced practicing nurse’s understanding of ethics is the ability to complete the necessary CITI training in NUR 690 Evidence-Based Practice II (Artifact CITI Certifications on Biomedical Researchers and Revised Common Rule). Both certifications are used to measure my intellectual competence to perform research on human subjects successfully and ethically. The certifications were necessary to submit a research proposal to the International Review Board (IRB) to obtain permission in conducting my DNP Policy Analysis Project at a multi-cite hospital organization within Northeast Florida (Artifact IRB Stamped Document). The stamped approved letter is the completed evaluation of the policy analysis project for the implementation phase of the requirements for the DNP project.
The synthesis of information on who has power of attorney (POA) was conducted for an ethical paper assignment during the NUR 660 Ethics course (Artifact Holloway Ethical Paper F’17). The paper discusses the importance of establishing who is the power of attorney for making medical decisions when a patient becomes incapacitated to make their own medical decision. The paper provided a scenario for self-reflect on my own personal beliefs, evaluation of the necessary actions, and changes required for providing optimal care for a patient and family-centered care at all times. An organization gap or barrier that needs to be addressed in that an alert should be placed in the electronic health record (EHR) to identify when a patient has an advance directive or POA documentation on file. The synthesis of the information concluded that implementing a standardized documentation location within the EMR such as on the banner bar or within the nursing communication tab would ensure that the appropriate POA is making medical decisions for a patient. The recommended change to practice because of this ethical scenario, the nursing team made the appropriate decision to maintain the original POA for the patient based on the sequence of events. The communication between the patient and the chosen healthcare surrogate improves the quality of life and family satisfaction towards implementing the patient’s desired preferences when he or she becomes cognitively impaired. The implementation of a POA tab that contains health care surrogate information will improve quality outcomes and end-of-life care for patients.
During the ethics in the nursing course, discussion board posts and replies on the ethical considerations the topics of moral integrity and distress, values in health and wellness, the nurse and moral authority, respect, fidelity, the sanctity of human life, and the experimentation on human beings illustrates the application of ethics and cultural competence within my own practice. Providing equality in healthcare is the responsibility of a professional nurse. Scenarios described in the Ethics course discussion board posts included caring for patients from all socioeconomic statuses and cultures within northeast Florida (Artifacts Ethics DB on Values in Health & Wellness, Nurse & Moral Authority, Respect, Fidelity, and Sanctity of Human Life). Steps used to reduce moral distress is accomplished in a culture of safety atmosphere. Within such an atmosphere reporting near misses and errors without the fear of punishment is one form of open communication. A reporting system allows for both a root cause analysis and a SWOT analysis to be conducted to identify trends in the delivery of care to improve patient outcomes. Participation in both analyzes has led me to grow into a professional nurse leader. The growth continues as I strive to identify all areas of opportunities from the individual to a system-level without prejudgment of any kind (Artifact Ethics DB Moral Integrity & Distress).
Ethics in epidemiology vastly influences how pandemic treatment and management of diseases affect individuals' and populations' outcomes. The discussion board associated with the role of health professionals was analyzed to better understand the ethical epidemiology challenges (Artifact NUR630 Week 9 Discussion Board). Recently the world has experienced several pandemics over the last five years. One of the major pandemics was Ebola and the effects it had on Africa. As a result, the World Health Organization developed the Guidelines for Managing Ethical Issues in Infectious Disease Outbreaks. The ability to identify the guidelines for managing ethical issues is essential for a Certified Infection Control Nurse. The skills and information obtained have allowed me to be part of the Safety Committee for Jacksonville University for the new student health center as part of the accreditation requirements.
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