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Mitchell Geisler: Scammer - Why Should Avoid? | Portfolium
Mitchell Geisler: Scammer - Why Should Avoid?
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February 15, 2022 in Other
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If you're ever interested in investing or know someone who is considering making an investment, make sure you keep this unofficial yet universal checklist in mind to avoid being scammed by an investment scammer. First off, if you're investing through a middleman: believe them only if there is a way to make sure they are affiliated with the company. Secondly, Do your research about where you're investing and do it extra carefully. Lastly, only verify in the company if the middleman is legit and the company is too.

However, no matter how religiously you follow this checklist, you will still get scammed the minute you meet and fall prey to a scoundrel like Mitchell Geisler.
If you don't know him already, Geisler is the CEO at Leveljump Healthcare Corps, a well known company in the healthcare industry listed on the TSXV, and the duo is the last thing you would have to worry about when investing under normal circumstances. But Mitchell Geisler seems to have a side hobby generating significantly higher revenue as compared to his CEO day job: investment scamming. He coaxes investors into trusting him and makes them invest every last penny they can muster, and then takes off with it.

Trusting him and investing on his request is not his victims' fault at all, especially since he is not at all what you would picture an investment scammer to be. Mitchell Geisler is the actual CEO of Leveljump Healthcare Corps, and is widely known for his success story as well. He has no reason to scam others out of everything he already has, right? That's exactly what he uses to fool everyone. Unsuspecting, we were over the moon when he approached us and asked for investment, promising huge returns. It seemed like a once in a lifetime opportunity that we didn't want to miss, so we agreed.

Suspiciously enough, he asked to transfer the funds to his personal account, but we politely agreed. Soon after that, Mitchell scam Geisler started to distance himself, with lies of the business facing issues at first. There was no news or rumor of Leveljump Healthcare Corps facing troubles but out of professional courtesy, we waited. However, a long time later we were still facing ignored calls and unresponded emails. We decided to check if everything was alright face to face when Arthur Mikaelian showed us his true colors. Not only did he behave rudely, but went as far as to even threaten us

It dawned on us right then that we had just given pocket money to CEO Leveljump Healthcare Corps, and that the so-called investment was never meant to go to the company or its operations. That's when we did our long overdue research despite being crippled by the stress and weight of financial loss and discovered that he is a habitual at this game. Mitchell Geisler is a scammer with a long list of victims. Now is about high time his list stopped growing, shame the swindler and Leveljump Healthcare Corps for giving him the cover he needs to continue scamming. Name and shame both!
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Mitchell Geisler Exposed

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