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Click Speed Test- Check Clicks Per Second | Portfolium
Click Speed Test- Check Clicks Per Second
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February 22, 2023 in Gaming
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Click per second test which is also known as CPS tester is an online mouse click test that allows you to test your clicking speed. CPS test tells that how fast you can click in the provided time.

The click speed test or CPS test usually has a different clicker timer between 1 to 120 seconds. All you need to do is click as fast as you can and your score will be displayed on the click counter after the mouse click timer is over. So let’s start the clicking challenge now!

Most gamers use this tool and are willing to play this game to improve their mouse-clicking power. The other gamer uses this to cool down their brains because this game gives fun and happiness.

This game is very interesting and if you once played this game you ask to play it again and again. When will you expert in this game you invite your friends to play with you this challenging game.

Prepare for the click speed test challenge – CPS World Record

There are various factors that can influence your mouse clicking score, such as whether your internet connection should be stable. You shall have a decent mouse and a flat surface so that you can get optimal performance.

In CPS 22 is the World Record!! Beat this Challenge by playing this game!

How to take the click speed test?
To use the CPS tester you need to follow the following steps:

Start clicking in the green box. Once the challenge starts, the box will turn white.
The game will start after your first click. The second click will start the clicker counter.
Once the time is over, your CPS rate will be displayed on the screen.

How does the Click per the second test calculate the score?

Your clicking speed in click per the second test is evaluated by the following calculations.

CPS = Number of clicks/ number of seconds

The score of the click speed test is calculated by the number of clicks you make divided by the number of seconds you play the game. The higher the number of CPS is, the better your performance.

Our CPS tester will count the score once you have finished playing. We have instigated the click counter that is able to count the number of clicks you have made in the respective time.

What is Element Speed?

The tool that calculates the number of clicks per second is known as Element Speed or Speed element. The majority of the people don’t know about this term. By using it, you can calculate your clicking speed on the website as well as on your mobile phone.

How fast can you click?
Clicking fast is very important for players. So all you need to think is that you just have a second.

A second might loo very short but professional players can score up to 13 – 15 clicks per second. However, on average, a normal person can score between 7-10 clicks in a second.

Do you want to know your CPS rate? Take the click speed test and check your clicking speed with our CPS tester.

How can you increase my score on the CPS test?

Different factors determine the CPS rate. Your own mouse-clicking performance along with the internet connection and the machine you are using contributes to your result of the click speed test. The more you practice, the better mouse clicker you will become.

The best way to test your clicking skills is to take the clicking test for 1 second, 5 seconds, or 10 seconds. If you take a mouse clicking test for more than 10 seconds,

your fingers will get tired and your click efficiency will reduce, which will result in a lower CPS rate. But after practicing these, you must take our 30 seconds clicking test.

Who has the highest score on the CPS test?

Here is the list of clicks per second world record according to a website called Recordsetter.com which keeps all the records. The following are the highest CPS ever:

Ben Hughes from Manchester, England holds the record for the highest CPS score in 10 seconds with an impressive 121 clicks. The record was set on June 22, 2009, in England.

Tom Andre Seppola from Norway holds the record for the highest CPS score in 30 seconds which is 830 clicks.

Another click per second records
Here are some other fastest clicking records:

The highest CPS score in 60 seconds is 962 clicks which makes it 16 CPS.
The highest CPS score in 1 second is 16 clicks which are 16 CPS.

What are the benefits of CPS (Click per second) test?

There are multiple benefits of CPS tester, especially to the people who love to play clicking games FPS games, or PVP games such as Dota, Minecraft, counter-strike, etc.

Practicing a CPS clicker will make you a fast clicker. This will increase your finger’s clicking stamina and will make you a fast clicker.

Improved Clicking Speed

CPS tester will help you improve your mouse clicking speed. In fact, with the right techniques such as jitter clicking, butterfly clicking or drag clicking you will be able to click faster.

Give yourself time with the CPS test and see your CPS rate improve. After practicing you will see a big performance improvement in your gaming as you will start clicking fast.

Better chance of winning

Practicing CPS test will allow you to have a better chance of winning the games. As a matter of fact, you need good clicking speed in gaming in order to win.

Games such as Fortnite, Pubg, Dota, or Minecraft need a good CPS rate, and practicing it will help you win easily as your clicking speed and response time will increase.

Release Stress or Anger
CPS tester helps you reduce anger and stress. You can play it any time to blow your frustration away.

Mouse Testing
Some people use the speed clicker tool just for mouse checks. They use this tool for their mouse button checking. This tool offers them to check whether their mouse click is working properly.

Why Choose clickspeedtesting.com?

Clickspeedtesting.com provides the best user experience with a user-friendly interface on both, web and mobile friendly. Apart from this, social sharing is available on our website by which you can share your result with your friends and challenge them.

Further, there are maximum timeframes available for you such as click per second, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and finally 100 seconds. Lastly, regarding security and data protection, our website is more secure than the third-party application and has a data protection policy.

Click on View the Game

Then Apply click on the button “Start Playing” available on the screen.
Now you see that timer is start immediately on the screen on sidebar.
If you want to check your mouse-clicking skill you have only 5 minutes.
There are only three counters on the screen.
The first one is the “Time Counter” which measures the time
The second is “CPS Tracker” which shows the clicks per second.
Third and last is the “Score Counter” that tells you the number of clicks you are doing.
After the game end, the screen will show you the game score
In final result, you’ll see the rank, cps, and the total amount of clicks by you.

Kohi Click Test
Basically, Khoi Click Test gaming server of Minecraft which is in the backend. This is the first-ever platform introduced by Minecraft to calculate the speed of total clicks.

We have built a tool based on Khoi. Game users can easily check their click speed with that gaming server.

Late on both Minecraft and Khoi unite with billions. But this unity is not attractive to the users and they never like this step. Gamers published the campaign named “bring back Kohi”.

The Kohi only calculates 10 seconds of clicks, on the other side we have numerous time laps of 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, and more.

Drag Clicking

What is Drag Clicking?
This is the fastest-growing technique to get hundreds of clicks within a few seconds.

How to perform this technique?
If your mouse is clicking twice then this technique work otherwise not. You need to drag your finger on the mouse long to get hundreds of clicks within a few seconds.

Regular Clicking
What is regular clicking?
If you are playing this game on daily basis it is known as regular clicking. For example, you open a document and edit it, use different browsers, open a new tab, etc. Your average clicking speed is calculated and it is 5cps.

By regular clicking, you’re able to improve your daily tasks speed and you work quickly. Almost different gamers got high cps as 8 in regular clicking.

Click Speed Test Rank
After completion of the game, you’ll see you’re final results. The screen will show you the cps, time in seconds, and total number of clicks. Then you will see that ranking on your screen that is based on your overall performance. Ranks are of three different types;

Turtle is 1st rank which is applicable if your score is less than 5 cps.
The mouse is a 2nd rank which is applicable if your score is more than 5 cps.

Rabbit is a 3rd rank and applicable on those who score more than 8 cps. You can’t achieve this rank so easily, it needs more practice.

CPS Tester Features
It’s Free
This game is totally free to play for a lifetime. Anyone can play this game at any place.

Compatible with all devices
The best feature of this game is its compatibility. Everyone can try this on mobile, pc, or tablet devices. No one can face any issue. Feel free to play this game.

No login required
This feature amazes you. There is no need for login or registration. You can play this game without a login id.

Advantages of Click Speed Test
There are numerous advantages of this game. A gamer can easily speed up its clicking speed.

There are no login details required for new users.
If gamers want to improve their clicking speed try this game.
By practicing you can beat the world record.
A number of gamers try this game like Minecraft players, PUBG, etc. You can easily py improving your speed you can easily manage your game role.
6-8 cps is a very good speed to compete with your opponent.
This game is very helpful for professional gamers.
If your CPS is lower as you expected
There are several reasons that your cps is lower than you expected.

Try a different speed test. There is not only, but we are also offering different test categories that will help you.
Paly this game daily to improve your speed and higher your speed score.
You can also change your mouse setting and play faster than others by double-clicking techniques.

What speed counts good click speed?
If you have 8 cps that is count as a good click speed. If you’re a beginner you can’t achieve this speed. Practice makes a man perfect you. on the Intermediate level gamers can gain 5cps.

What is the top rank speed in the world?
A gamer achieved a cps of 22 and make a world record. How is it possible, this is possible by practicing the game. You can also break this record if you are interested.

Is 7 cps good or not?
Yes, 7 cps is good not very bad. This will happen only by practicing, a number of users make more than 10 cps.

Is 20 cps is possible?
Yes with the help of practice and techniques you can easily get the 20 cps. There are many techniques that will help you to get 20 cps. A technique like a jitter clicking test.

How can faster click speed be possible?
Practicing on a daily basis it will help you to make your speed faster click speed. It is only possible by practicing.

How do I make my mouse double click?
It is possible only by changing your mouse setting which will help you in making your speed faster and quick automatically.

Can I break the highest record?
Yes, why not? you can easily break the record by practicing daily now the world record is 22 cps.

What is the average click per second?
The average record is 6.8 CPS. You can easily beat this record it’s not much difficult.
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Click Speed Test